Terminology (Japanese)


Useful Phrases at the Start of Class:

kiotsuke attention
kei to sword to ready position
seiza kneeling down/sitting
mokuso meditate
yame stop
sho men ni face towards the front
sensei instructor
sensei ni face towards teachers
sempai senior student
rei bow
katana ni taishite bow to the sword
otagai ni rei bow to fellow students


Useful Phrases During Class:

onegai shimasu Please teach me.
domo arigato gozaimashita Thank you.
san kyo squat down with sword in ready position
nuke to draw the sword
osame toh san kyo and put away the sword
hajime start
kote wrist
men forehead
do waist
tsuki throat
gi uniform top or shirt
obi belt
sageo cord to secure the saya to the obi
hakama uniform bottom or trousers
shinai bamboo sword
bokuto or bokken wooden sword
ki spirit
kiai shout
ken or toh sword
tai body
kamae on guard or ready
chudan no kamae middle ready position
jo dan no kamae upper ready position
gedan no kamae lower ready position
hai yes
kata series of movements/forms
koryu older sword art
tatehiza sitting position on left foot
te-no-uchi wringing of fingers
kendoka one who practices kendo
kenshi swordsmen
(new-kit-skay) Initial horizontal cut
Other Commands:
chakuza sit down
batto draw your sword
noto sheath your sword
keiko owari practice is over

Kendo Glossary:

Visit the Wisconsin Kendo Club for more kendo terminology.


Basic Counting:



ONE - ICHI (ee-chee)  Sho-Dan / 1st Degree
TWO - NI (knee)  Ni-Dan / 2nd
THREE - SAN (saan)   San-Dan / 3rd
FOUR - SHI (chee)  Yon-Don / 4th
FIVE - GO (go)  Go-Dan / 5th
SIX - ROKU (row-koo)  Roku-Dan / 6th
SEVEN - SHICHI (she-chee)  Shichi-Dan / 7th
EIGHT - HACHI (ha-chee)  Hachi-Dan / 8th
NINE  - KU (koo)  Ku-Dan / 9th
TEN - JU (joo) Ju-Dan / 10th

Counting to 100 in Japanese:

Add 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
to 0 Zero Ichi Ni San Yon Go Roku Nana Hachi Kyuu
to 10 Juu JuuIchi JuuNi JuuSan JuuYon JuuGo JuuRoku JuuNana JuuHachi JuuKyuu
to 20 NiJuu NiJuuIchi NiJuuNi NiJuuSan NiJuuYon NiJuuGo NiJuuRoku NiJuuNana NiJuuHachi NiJuuKyuu
to 30 SanJuu SanJuuIchi SanJuuNi SanJuuSan SanJuuYon SanJuuGo SanJuuRoku SanJuuNana SanJuuHachi SanJuuKyuu
to 40 YonJuu YonJuuIchi YonJuuNi YonJuuSan YonJuuYon YonJuuGo YonJuuRoku YonJuuNana YonJuuHachi YonJuuKyuu
to 50 GoJuu GoJuuIchi GoJuuNi GoJuuSan GoJuuYon GoJuuGo GoJuuRoku GoJuuNana GoJuuHachi GoJuuKyuu
to 60 RokuJuu RokuJuuIchi RokuJuuNi RokuJuuSan RokuJuuYon RokuJuuGo RokuJuuRoku RokuJuuNana RokuJuuHachi RokuJuuKyuu
to 70 NanaJuu NanaJuuIchi NanaJuuNi NanaJuuSan NanaJuuYon NanaJuuGo NanaJuuRoku NanaJuuNana NanaJuuHachi NanaJuuKyuu
to 80 HachiJuu HachiJuuIchi HachiJuuNi HachiJuuSan HachiJuuYon HachiJuuGo HachiJuuRoku HachiJuuNana HachiJuuHachi HachiJuuKyuu
to 90 KyuuJuu KyuuJuuIchi KyuuJuuNi KyuuJuuSan KyuuJuuYon KyuuJuuGo KyuuJuuRoku KyuuJuuNana KyuuJuuHachi KyuuJuuKyuu


Sword Terminology:

Sword furnishings (tsuba, menuki) often have special meanings.


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